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Anejaculation and Anorgasmia

Anejaculation is defined as the inability to ejaculate semen; the word itself means “no ejaculation.” With this condition, a man can produce sperm but cannot expel them during normal ejaculation even though he may have normal orgasm sensation. Anorgasmia refers to the lack of orgasm (or sensation of pleasure). Anorgasmia can occur without ejaculation, or occasionally with normal ejaculation. Normal ejaculation without pleasure/orgasm is called “orgasmic anhedonia.”

Retrograde Ejaculation

Retrograde ejaculation occurs when semen goes into the bladder instead of leaving the penis during ejaculation. Retrograde ejaculation isn't harmful but it can impair fertility since it affects the delivery of sperm to the uterus during intercourse.

Sex After Cancer

Cancer treatment has the potential to drastically affect sexual function. This can occur in a number of ways depending on the type of cancer and method of treatment undertaken.

Prostate Cancer

The prostate is a small, walnut-sized, gland located below your bladder that surrounds your urethra. It produces some of the fluid that makes up semen, the fluid that comes out at the time of ejaculation. As men age the prostate grows and can cause obstruction or blockage of the urine stream; this is referred to as benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH.

Premature Ejaculation

Sexual stimulation (physical) causes nerves in the penis to send chemical messages to the spinal cord and the brain. Similarly, the brain releases chemicals with mental stimulation.  These chemicals help relay messages of stimulation throughout the brain, while nerve signals from the brain carry these messages to the rest of the body through the spinal cord to the male reproductive organs. When a man reaches a certain level of excitement during this process, chemical and nerve messages sent to the pelvis cause ejaculation. While not completely understood, it is believed that the chemical serotonin plays a major role in this process.

Low Testosterone

Testosterone is a hormone made mostly by the testicles in men. It plays an important role in making new red blood cells, increasing muscle mass and strength, enhancing sex drive, maintaining sperm production, and improving bone density.

Delayed Orgasm and Delayed Ejaculation

Delayed orgasm and delayed ejaculation (also historically referred to as retarded ejaculation) refer to difficulty reaching orgasm (climax) and/or ejaculating even with a firm erection and sufficient sexual arousal and stimulation. This delay is often associated with personal distress. Delayed orgasm or ejaculation is estimated to occur in 1-4% of men.

